Noakbridge Medical Centre

Bridge Street, Basildon, SS15 4EZ

Telephone: 01268 284 285

For emergencies call 999. For urgent clinical issues that cannot wait until the Practice is open please dial 111. The Surgery is covered by an out of service provider. Please contact the main surgery number to obtain the most up to date contact number.


How to book an appointment with Noakbridge Medical Centre and how things have changed due to new services working in partnership with the Practice:

Patients are able to book into the majority of services by contacting the main reception via the number below. Receptionists have undergone additional Care Navigation training. They may ask questions about your concerns and in doing so are able to ensure that you are booked in with the most appropriate clinician or any appropriate community services that are available to you.

A lot has changed in the last few years and a variety of community services allow for patients to contact them directly, no longer requiring a Clinician referral. Being made aware of these services can save you the patient time and free up Clinician appointments for other issues.

Telephone: 01268 284 285

(If and of your contact details have changed recently such as your address or phone number. Please ensure that reception are notified. This will allow them to keep your records up to date and prevent any issues with contacting you.)

Home visits

For Housebound patients only. Please call on the day before 10am  on 01268 284 285.

The Clinically housebound frail or elderly are able to contact the surgery to arrange a home visit should they need to see a GP. However, home visits are limited and only occur when this is required clinically. If you feel that you require a home visit please contact the surgery. The Clinician will be able to review your situation and will more than likely contact your directly to discuss your concerns. If the clinician does not feel that they can assess your symptoms safely virtually then they will arrange to visit or for the local Home Visiting service to attend.

The Practice works closely with a dedicated home visiting team of Doctors and Nurses that are commissioned by Basildon and Brentwood CCG to supply visits to patients in the area. The Practice also has the ability to arrange home based phlebotomy services, Care co-ordinators, social prescribers, district nurses, St Lukes Nurses, Social Services and an ever increasing list of services to help support the vulnerable at home.

Due to amount of time that Home Visits take, these services should ONLY be utilised by patients who are Clinically Housebound. And are unable to attend the surgery for clinical reasons should their complaint not be possible to address virtually. This helps to ensure that all those that are in need of a service are able to access it in an efficient time period.


ONLINE Clinician Appointments: Book Here

Patients are able to use the NHS App to book call back requests with clinicians at the Practice. This can help to reduce waiting time on the phone lines. Please ensure that when you book for your call back your describe your concern so that the correct clinician can contact you back.

E-Consultations via WEB GP: Book Here

The easiest way to manage or discuss common health complaints. Consult online from home, work or on-the-go. By answering some relevant questions you can be directed to the correct service for a variety of medical issues. This may be a Pharmacist, Self Care, A Clinician, A Nurse or even a broader range of community services. It is better to speak to the correct people first so that symptoms/concerns can be treated quickly.

5. Midwife Appointments

Available on request by calling 01268 284 285. The Midwife is supplied by the hospital and has direct access to their clinical system. The Midwife will also work directly with the Practice Team to ensure that any prescriptions/concerns are acted upon.


HUB APPOINTMENTS for Evenings & Weekends
Available on request by calling 01268 284 285

Type of service Description How to book
Winter Access Scheme – (West Basildon PCN) Additional clinics available up until 31st March 2022 outside of Surgery regular clinic times. Contact Noakbridge Medical Centre Reception directly to book appointment

Clinic does not allow walk in appointments.

Extended Hours Service Additional clinics available for foreseeable future. Clinics generally available in evenings after closing time of Practice. Telephone/Face to Face appointments available. Contact Noakbridge Medical Centre Reception directly to book appointment

Clinic does not allow walk in appointments.

Extended Access Service – (BB Healthcare Solutions) Additional clinics available for foreseeable future.

Clinics generally in the evenings between 6:30PM and 8:00pm. there are some weekend clinics available. Patients may need to travel to other areas in Basildon as the location rotates each 3 months.

Contact Noakbridge Medical Centre Reception directly to book appointment and to confirm the current location of the clinic. Clinic does not allow walk in appointments.



If you are unable to keep to your appointment, please inform the surgery as soon as possible. Clinicians will attempt to contact you a number of times for a telephone consultation. If you are knowingly unavailable we would be grateful if you could cancel your appointment as this could be offered to another patient.

You can help us by:

  • Being on time for your appointment
  • Letting us know if you need to cancel
  • Calling for a home visit or urgent appointment before 10am
  • Calling for the results of tests between 12 and 1pm
  • Being patient and courteous with the Practice Staff

We try our best to run on time but where we may see emergency patients who are unwell and need immediate care, we apologise in advance if you are kept waiting. We are forever trying to improve our appointment system and would value your feedback (positive or negative) to help us make changes when required. Please email us on (Please note this is not for clinical queries and will be bounced back to the email sent)

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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